Best and Worst in Online Degree Programs Exposed

Released on = July 24, 2006, 4:36 pm

Press Release Author = Global Academy Online, Inc.

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Rating online universities from around the world, the
publication lists the best and worst based on a copyright five point rating system.
The system analyzes the quality of the faculty, the institution, academic rigor, and
the satisfaction of students.

Press Release Body = Best and Worst in Online Degree Programs Exposed

With hundreds of hours in research and countless more in interviewing faculty,
students and administrators, the 2nd edition of The Best & Worst in Online Degree
Programs has just been released by Global Academy Online, Inc., . Rating online
universities from around the world, the publication lists the best and worst based
on a copyright five point rating system that analyzes the quality of the faculty,
the institution, academic rigor and the satisfaction of students, as well as other

Written by the Academy\'s CEO and Founder, Fred DiUlus, the popular e-book rates
online universities on a five point rating scale originally created by DiUlus when
he edited and published The Federal Financial Digest and Federal Financial Register
in the 1980\'s. These institutional publications helped expose defunct and marginal
banks and savings and loans as well as point out the most solvent and strong.

DiUlus suggests that we have major education institutions today that are equally as
bogus as many of those S & L\'s and banks in the 1980\'s and 90\'s. "They are wrapped
in the cloth of accreditation, however marginal it may be, and they are intent on
keeping the new upstart colleges out of their lives and off their turf for
students", he says.

The new 2nd edition of The Best & Worst. has been expanded to expose the top 10 and
bottom 10 online universities as well as list "a cornucopia of diploma mills to be
avoided." DiUlus acknowledges the industry is overwhelmed with information from
so-called experts but said, "we have taken the time to point out for the public the
true experts in online higher education and have addressed bogus and legitimate
claims about online higher education."

The Best & Worst in Online Degree Programs comes with a monthly newsletter that adds
updates online in real time plus the new additions to the rating service as they
become available. The 2nd Edition costs $9.95 and can be purchased online at the
Global Academy Online website.

DiUlus is a veteran of 35 years in higher education.

Contact: LaFonda Oliver (
Vice President, Communications
Global Academy Online, Inc.
1717 K Street N.W., Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
Phone : (806) 239-8289
Fax : (413)-521-8755 Global Academy Online, Inc.

Web Site =

Contact Details = LaFonda Oliver
1717 K Street NW, Suite 600
Washington , 20036


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